Best Ads This Week: Marvel, Surreal, Marc Jacobs

Best Ads This Week

Marvel, Surreal, Marc Jacobs, & more.



It's time to repeat my favorite saying:

Early to bed, early to rise. Work like hell, and advertise.

Are you ready for the best ads this week?

Let's get into it:


Great ad: Heinz x Marvel

πŸ§ͺ Principle: Pop Culture Anchoring

Step 1: Find something in pop culture that resembles your product

Step 2: Anchor your product so everyone can't not associate the two.

"Now you can't unsee it"



Great ad: Surreal

πŸ§ͺ Principle: The Handbrake Turn

Step 1: Grab attention with hyper-specific inside language

Step 2: Do a complete 180 and promote your product instead



Ad Professor Original: McDonald's McCafe

Here's an ad I made on my coffee break (A McCafΓ© Premium Roast of course)



Social media ad: RIMOWA

πŸ§ͺ Principle: Event Hijacking

Clever olympics ad from RIMOWA.

Whilst everyone is talking about the olympics, insert yourself into the conversation.



Social media ad: Avaria Jewellery

πŸ§ͺ Principle: Sell The Search

Step 1 - Find out what customers are searching

Step 2 - Use it in your ad



TikTok ad: Marc Jacobs

πŸ§ͺ Principle: The best ads don't look like ads

You think it's a cooking ad.

Until it's an ad for a Marc Jacobs Bag.

This ad got 14M views on TikTok.

Watch the full video here.

πŸ§ͺ Let's Work Together

Do you need help with your advertising?
Last year - 3 billion dollar companies had their best-performing adverts after working with me and my team.

If you're a company spending $50K+ on advertising per month and want to take things to the next level.

Apply here.


"Don’t design for efficiency. Design for laziness." – Rory Sutherland



If you enjoyed this, drop me a reply with what you liked, or just send me a test tube emoji πŸ§ͺ
I read every reply and it helps with my email score.


The Ad Professor


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The Best Ads Breakdown

The best ads I've collected and the principles that made them scale.

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